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Book of Days: 11/17/2016

Weather forecast for November 17, 2016:

Turner Marine, Dog River, Mobile, Alabama

Clear, low 52 high 73.

East winds 3 to 8 knots becoming southeast 5 to 10 knots.

Smooth to a light chop.

Captain’s Log: November 16, 2016

After a much needed, deep sleep, we ate a quick breakfast, stopped at Wal-Mart to buy a pair of work pants (my old jeans were so ripped up that I tossed them in the garbage before leaving Cincinnati), a box of band-aids and a pair of work gloves for the XO (she cut her finger digging through the boxes in the trailer). We then hustled down to Turner Marine as I wanted to arrive before they placed Perfect Love on boat stands.

After speaking with the travel-lift operator I learned that PL would be placed with the bow pointing the bay, not the stern, so we lost our anticipated view of the bay from the Master’s cabin.

Our objective for today was to get the trailer completely unloaded as it must be returned to U-Haul by end of business tomorrow. This was a tall order; the trailer was packed to the roof with all of our worldly belongings, including the deck hardware, standing rigging, running rigging, electronics, lumber, four anchors and over 400 feet of extremely heavy anchor chain. Once unloaded, all of the items necessary for living a ‘normal’ life had to be carried up the ladder, moved inside the boat and placed in a logical and well-organized location. Much of the boat equipment was then reloaded on the trailer and will be placed in the self-storage unit four miles down the road (that we will rent tomorrow) where they will remain until we are ready for them.

This task took the entire day and we still have a lot to get onboard. Some highlights: The on-board electrical system was fired up and is now function properly (which means that we have refrigeration). The tabletop has been mounted on its pedestal and placed in the main salon. The XO’s coffee machine is back on-line (for which I am very grateful).

At approximately 3:00pm we drove the Winn Dixie and procured a few essential consumables. We had ham and bologna sandwiches for dinner and then headed to the showers (we both were in need of a thorough cleaning).

It has been a long but productive day. The interior of PL is beginning to look like home and is very cozy. Tonight will be our first night onboard; we are officially “live-aboards”.

May your tomorrow bring fair winds and following seas!

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