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Book of Days: 02/16/19 thru 02/21/19

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Weather forecast for February 22, 2019:

Northville, Michigan

Low 12 high 22

Southeast winds, 10 to 15 kts

Captain’s Log: February 16, 2019 thru February 21, 2019

The week following the Miami Boat Show was very busy. Shirley had another business trip, this time to Raleigh, North Carolina. I had to make two more round trips to the Key West airport; one to drop her off and one to pick her up.

While she was traveling I had the opportunity to finish several projects that were in various stages of completion:

  • I stripped down, repainted and rebuilt the two collapsable bikes that our friend and dock neighbor Mary had given to us. The bikes were in real bad shape but, with a new paint job and new breaks, cables, chains, derailleurs and seats, they looked and rode like brand new. (Note: while I was working on the bikes we had a not-so-little visitor at the dock, a manatee. These rather ugly but benign creatures love fresh water and, although I have been told that it is illegal to do so, I enjoyed facilitating the sea cow's access to a nearby fresh water hose).

  • I replaced the turnbuckles and cables that make up the whiskers and bobstays that support the bowsprit. The original turnbuckles, salvaged from the hardware that I had stripped off of the boat during reconstruction, were rusting and cracking.

  • I extricated the remains of the hermit crab from Shirley's conch shell. I then thoroughly cleaned the shell and cut the tip off (which is required to make it a horn). I then polished the shell before applying 7 coats of glossy Rustoleum clear coat.

It was a good, productive week; I got a lot done. Shirley returned from Raleigh late on Wednesday, February 20th. We flew to Detroit the next morning.

Until next time, may your tomorrow bring fair winds and following seas.

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