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Book of Days: 12/28/18 thru 01/04/19

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Weather forecast for January 5, 2019:

Skipjack Marina, Marathon, Florida

Low 75 high 85

West winds, 10 to 15 kts

Captain’s Log: December 28, 2018 thru January 04, 2019

With my father's health rapidly declining, both Shirley and I were concerned that this might be Dad's last Christmas season. So, several weeks prior to the holiday, we booked our flights back to Cincinnati for a late Christmas celebration with Mom, Dad and all of my siblings. On Friday, December 28th, we drove a rental car to Ft. Lauderdale and caught our flight north.

We held our family Christmas dinner on Sunday, December 30th, in a reserved room at Mom & Dad's assisted living facility. As is the case every time my family gets together, a great time was had by all, we laughed until our stomachs hurt. It was also bitter sweet for, as we all knew, Dad would not be with us much longer; it turned out to be the last time that we would ever be together as an entire family.

We were in Cincinnati until January 4th and stayed at Rick & Bebe's beautiful place on the west side, overlooking the city. We took full advantage of their hot tub while several snow storms blanketed the town. The view of downtown Cincinnati and the Ohio River was just outstanding. The night was especially beautiful on New Year's Eve; what a great way to welcome 2019.

We also had the chance to catch up with friends, children and grandchildren. Our grand-daughters Leah, Anna and Livy joined us for some winter hot-tubbing prior to the storm's arrival.

Until next time, may your tomorrow bring fair winds and following seas.

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